Croatian Veterinary Institute

Croatian Veterinary Institute

Croatian Veterinary Institute

Z-III.3. Laboratory for Serological Diagnostics of Viral Diseases

Croatian Veterinary Institute

Z-II.2. Laboratory for General Bacteriology and Mycology

Croatian Veterinary Institute

Z-IV.3. Laboratory for Fish Pathology

Croatian Veterinary Institute

Z-III.2. Laboratory for Rabies and General Virology

Laboratory for Analytical Chemistry Print E-mail
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Z-I.4. Laboratory for Analytical Chemistry

Laboratory for Analytical Chemistry conducts a wide range of chemical analyses aimed to test the quality and safety of animal feed and food of animal origin, as well as to determine the residues of anabolic substances in biological samples.

Animal feed samples are analysed by application of more than twenty gravimetric, spectrophotometric and titration chemical methods, most frequently analyses of share of raw proteins and fats, ashes, humidity, fibres, minerals and salts, in various animal feed mixtures, components of vegetal, mineral and animal origin, premixes, silage, aromas and pet food. The analyses include determination the quantity of mycotoxins as potential hazards present in food and animal feed.
Analysis of foodstuffs of animal origin consists in determination of chemical parameters defining quality and safety of meat and processed meat, such as share of water, total proteins and meat proteins, fats, collagens, and additives (nitrites and polyphosphates) used in their production.

Within the scope of the National Residue Monitoring Program, the Laboratory is a NRL for determination of residues of anabolic substances (A group substances), with use of enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) method and liquid chromatography method in combination with mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Analyses of anabolic substances include analyses of stilbenes (diethylstilboestrol), natural steroids (estradiol, progesterone and testosterone), synthetic steroids (trenbolone, 19-nortestosterone, stanozolol, methyltestosterone), resorcyclic acid lactones (zeranol) and β−adrenergic agonists (clenbuterole) in biological samples (urine, plasma, liver, muscle, kidney) and interpretation of the established levels of analytes considering the detection limits of the applied analytical methods.

For a number of years, the Laboratory has been conducting research activities, based on determination of levels and structures of residues of chemical contaminants in food and evaluation of their toxic effect on various metabolic processes in mammals. The research includes development and application of analytical methods in determination of target analytes, tests of persistency in various biological samples and application in control of abuse of pharmacologically active substances.