Professional diagnostic and analytical activities Print
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Professional diagnostic and analytical activities:

- Participation in animal health protection programs;

  • Monitoring and observation of epizootiological status of infectious, parasitic and other animal diseases, elaboration of methods and proposal of measures for their control;
  • Laboratory and field diagnostics of infectious, parasitic and other animal diseases;
  • Control of animal immunity;
  • Diagnostic tests of animals and laboratory tests of samples of animal origin before slaughtering, animals in domestic trade, for export and from import (quarantine);
  • Supervision of medications for use in veterinary medicine;
  • Testing of safety and quality of foodstuffs;
  • Professional assistance related to inspection of animals and inspection of foodstuffs;
  • Testing of cleanness of plants, furniture, equipment, accessories and hands of workers in food industry;
  • Testing of safety and quality of animal feeding stuffs, raw materials and additives for their production;
  • Professional aid to animal feed factories related to recipes, technology, control and safety of animal feed;
  • Testing of hygienic safety of poultry products;
  • Checking of results of laboratory experiments, tests and methods;
  • Toxicological tests, tests of residues, radioactive substances and other biologically active substances;
  • Studies of air, land, waste waters and waste animal matter related to environment protection;
  • Technical testing and analysis;
  • Planning, proposing and implementing of deratisation, disinsection and disinfection for the prevention of spreading and for the control of infectious animal diseases;
  • Research and control of production conditions in animal lodgings from hygienic, technological, ecological and etiological aspect and proposal of measures for their improvement;
  • Study of production capacities of animals form health, technological, nutritional and economic aspect and proposal of measures for their improvement;
  • Safety and quality testing of seeds for artificial insemination and embryos;
  • Professional assistance to veterinary and other organisations within the scope of its operations;
  • Animal treatment, surgical and other medical interventions on animals;
  • Drafting of preliminary technological designs and investment documents for the construction and adaptation of farms, poultry lodgings and hatcheries;
  • Collection, processing and interpretation of data on animal health and productivity and notification of government authorities, manufacturers, associations and chambers;
  • Participation in the supervision of laboratory diagnostics and analysis in similar laboratories;
  • Reduction of scientific achievements into practice;
  • Study of animal health protection measures in natural disasters and emergencies and elaboration of methods and ways of their implementation;
  • Cooperation with similar research and professional institutions in the country and abroad;
  • Participation in training of professionals in veterinary medicine, cattle breeding, fisheries and biotechnology;
  • Issuing of public documents within the scope of its activities based on the authorisations arising from the laws and regulations;
  • Provision of other services for which they are trained and authorized from relevant government authorities.

The activities set out in this item are performed by the Institute based on appropriate authorizations from the competent government authorities for the requirements of public authorities, legal entities and individuals engaged in the production and trade of animals, their products, medications and animal feeding stuffs.