Croatian Veterinary Institute

Croatian Veterinary Institute

Croatian Veterinary Institute

Z-III.3. Laboratory for Serological Diagnostics of Viral Diseases

Croatian Veterinary Institute

Z-II.2. Laboratory for General Bacteriology and Mycology

Croatian Veterinary Institute

Z-IV.3. Laboratory for Fish Pathology

Croatian Veterinary Institute

Z-III.2. Laboratory for Rabies and General Virology

Laboratory for Diagnostics of Classical Swine Fever, Molecular Virology and Genetics Print E-mail
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Z-III.1. Laboratory for Diagnostics of Classical Swine Fever, Molecular Virology and Genetics

Laboratory for Diagnostics of Classical Swine Fever, Molecular Virology and Genetics started its reconstruction in 2005 in order to ensure conditions for operations of the National Laboratory for Diagnostics of Classical Swine Fever (CSF) as set out in the Ordinance on measures for identification, control and containment of CSF (Official Journal NN 187/04) and Diagnostic Terms of Reference (Official Journal NN 16/2005). Currently, the Laboratory is the National Reference Laboratory for Diagnostics of CSF and African swine fever (ASF). The Laboratory employees include two doctors of veterinary medicine, one engineer of molecular biology and two technicians.

Basic activities of the Laboratory are:
•    Diagnostics of classic swine fever (CSF) in accordance with the methods recommended in the Ordinance on Diagnostic Terms of Reference for CSF (Official Journal NN 16/2005) and implementation of CSF control programs according to the annual Program of CSF control in domestic swine and the Program of CSF control in wild boar;
•    Diagnostics of African swine fever (ASF) and implementation of ASF controls in accordance with the methods recommended in the Ordinance on Diagnostic Terms of Reference for ASF (Official Journal NN 41/2007);
•    Diagnostics of other viral animal infections by means of molecule methods (polymerase chain reaction or PCR, reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction or RT-PCR, nested PCR and quantitative polymerase chain reaction or QRT-PCR);
•    Virus isolates type determination and phylogenetic analysis by determination of nucleotide genome sequences (sequencing);
•    Short Tandem Repeat (STR) analysis from DNA of eukaryotic cells.

However, the most important activity of the Laboratory is the diagnostics of CSF and ASF, for which it is accredited (according to standard HRN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2007) and licensed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development. For quality assurance of its services, since 1999 the Laboratory has been regularly taking part in international inter-laboratory proficiency tests organised by the EU Reference Laboratory for Diagnostics of CSF of Hannover, and since 2010 it has been also taking part in ASF tests organised by the EU Reference Laboratory for Diagnostics of ASF of Madrid.
In addition to CSF and ASF agents, the Laboratory conducts the diagnostics of:

•    porcine circovirus infections,
•    pestivirus infections,
•    porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus,
•    hepatitis E virus,
•    viruses that are potential food contaminants (kobuvirus – Aichi virus, astroviruses, norovirus/sapovirus and enteroviruses)
•    infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR),
•    enzootic bovine leucosis (EBL),
•    Aujeszky’s disease (AD),
•          flavivirus infections (tick-borne encephalitis)

Z-III-1 Laboratory takes part in the organisation of training courses for veterinary medicine doctors, veterinary inspectors, hunters and other interested parties. It also conducts tests for the branches of the Croatian Veterinary Institute regarding their readiness for an outbreak of CSF. The Laboratory takes part in the postgraduate program of studies in Molecular Virology.
In addition to its regular activities, Z-III-1 Laboratory is actively involved in research activities, as participant and leader of a number of domestic and international research projects.

Laboratory employees
Lorena JEMERŠIĆ, PhD, DVM, scientific advisor
Laboratory Manager
Tel.: 01/612-36-45
Fax: 01/619-08-41
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Tomislav KEROS, PhD, DVM
Deputy Manager
Tel.: 01/612-36-75
Fax: 01/619-08-41
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Jelena BALATINEC, Dipl.Eng.Mol.Biol.
Tel.: 01/612-36-75
Fax: 01/619-08-41
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Tel.: 01/612-36-75
Fax: 01/619-08-41
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Technical Associate
Tel.: 01/612-36-75
Fax: 01/619-08-41

Technical Associate
Tel.: 01/612-36-75
Fax: 01/619-08-41